« Collective Security and Strategic Competition in The Middle East and North Africa »
The United States Institute for Peace ( USIP) organized on Tuesday 17 of January 2023 in cooperation with the Tunisian Council for International Relations (TCIR) a joint panel discussion on « Collective Security and Strategic Competition in The Middle East and North Africa » with participation of former Ambassadors, university professors and media experts . The program included introductory remarks of Dr Elie Abouaouan , Director USIP Tunis , Mr Khémaies Jhinaoui , President Tunisian Council for International Relations ( TCIR) and an intervention of Rtd Ambassador Hisham Youssef, Senior Advisor* United States Institute for Peace and former Deputy Secretary General of the League of Arab States and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation . Discussion focused on the impact of the Russian Ukrainian War and international developments on Collective Regional Security and Strategic competition among international and regional powers.